
At CPC, worship is sacred and also open to the spontaneous movement of the Holy Spirit. In worship services at CPC, we come together to listen and wait upon God, to give thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives, and to offer ourselves to God. In worship, we hear and respond to the words in the Bible knowing that Jesus Christ, the living word, is with us through the Holy Spirit. Whatever we do together in worship - singing, praying, listening, being led by children, youth and adults - we do it all with joy and thanksgiving.
Worship Service: 10:00 am
What can I expect in worship? With our family of faith, we pray, hear God’s Word, listen to a sermon and sing. We are led in worship by the Pastor and members of the congregation. Special music, both instrumental and vocal, from the musical gifts of the congregation are part of the music ministry as well. Congregational members serve as ushers, lay readers and greeters - this is a great way to get involved in worship at CPC! Children are welcome in the worship service, and often ring the bell at the conclusion of the service.
Communion is celebrated once a month, typically on the first Sunday of the month. Communion is normally offered by intinction, where people come forward, receive a piece of bread from the common loaf, and dip the bread into the common cup. Personal communion elements and gluten-free alternatives are also available.
Baptism of adults, children, and infants is celebrated after counseling with the pastor and approval of the Session.
Cup of Fellowship
Please come to the Fellowship Hall after the worship service for coffee, snacks and a chance to catch up with your CPC friends.