International Mission

CPC supports the following international ministries:
Partnership with Kibwezi, Kenya and support for Tumaini Orphan Care, Education Centre and Preschool: This long-term partnership between CPC, Burke Presbyterian Church and churches and communities in Kenya continues to thrive. With the guidance of several CPC members, CPC provides support for the preschool ministry, orphan care ministry and health clinics.
Kenya Water Development with Waterlines, USA: CPC members guide a program of rainwater harvest and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) in the highlands of Kenya. Besides providing funds for direct support, CPC members have made month-long visits to the area to monitor the program with the onsite Kenyan facilitators.
Haiti’s Wings of Hope: CPC continues its involvement with Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Wings of Hope is a home for disabled children and adolescents that CPC supports through funding and mission trips where members work directly with the children.
Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF) Haiti: CPC provides funds for students in its nursing school and for medical care for vulnerable Haitians.
Heifer International: Heifer is an organization that helps families in the developing world overcome poverty by providing livestock, bees and other ways of earning a livelihood. Families helped by Heifer then help others in their community.
Crop Walk/Church World Service: The Crop Walk is an annual event that raises funds to provide food for people in need.